Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent; services held in Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Ash Wednesday services are uniting Catholics across the area. Mass was held at various locations around Wisconsin.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent for Catholics around the world. St. Anthony Church held services throughout the day.
"For us Catholics, this day is an important day in our spirituality," said Father Fabian Rodas of St. Anthony Parish & St. Hyacinth Parish.
Father Rodas led Mass on Ash Wednesday and said many came to pray and prepare for the Lent season. "Today we had the mass where we bless the ashes and I put the ashes on the heads of the people that came," he said.
After Mass, we spoke to people who said this is an important time for them to renew their faith and connection to God.
For some of the younger generation, they're choosing to fast from more than just food this lent season. "40 days to give up something. I'm choosing social media. It's basically giving up something hard that God will eventually reward you and help you get through it," said Alina Romo-Encino.
As millions of Catholics marked Ash Wednesday around the world, Pope Francis was absent from ceremonies in Rome where he remains hospitalized with double pneumonia. He was still top of mind for many today.
"We need to pray for him. We know that he has an important role on the universal church and we support him with our prayers," said Father Rodas.