Ballot-counting location for Milwaukee to move to the Wisconsin Center

NOW: Ballot-counting location for Milwaukee to move to the Wisconsin Center

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Your ballots this November will be counted in a different location than they were in 2020 in Milwaukee.

The new central count location being considered is the Wisconsin Center.

City officials say they set their sights on 400 Wisconsin Avenue after the previous central count location was sold. That property, used in the 2020 election, was 501 West Michigan Street.

"That property has since been sold from a private entity to Milwaukee Tool, so we're looking for a replacement for central count that gives us enough space and room and had met the facility needs for the election commission," said RACM Executive Director Dave Misky.

The rate for the three days they'll need it for the election, Nov. 7-9, is expected to be $13,000+.

City officials said that rate is determined by what the city has paid in the past.

With their approval, it now goes on to the Common Council.

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