Biden’s immigration plan already has supporters and critics

NOW: Biden’s immigration plan already has supporters and critics

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) – One of President Biden’s first actions is expected to be introducing an immigration reform bill.

It gives an estimated 11-million undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship.

The plan already has its supporters and critics.

Right now, this is just a proposal. If approved, it would allow people in temporary programs like DACA to immediately apply for permanent legal residency.

“It is the most thorough, and it is the most aggressive and I would say the most well thought out immigration intelligence bill that has ever been proposed by any U.S. president,” says immigration attorney Marc Christopher.

It’s an eight-year path to citizenship for people living in the United States without legal status.

People with temporary protected statuses like DACA, could qualify for green cards.

It would also expand programs for refugees and asylum seekers.

“In a period of eight years, you would be able to go from no status, as long as met all of the requirements, live by the laws, to becoming a U.S. citizen,” says Christopher.

The Biden administration claims it’s an effort to restructure the nation’s immigration system.

The proposal also includes enhancing security at the border with new technologies, instead of a wall.

“I am afraid of what’s going to happen at the border in the next few months,” says Glenn Grothman, Wisconsin representative of the 6th district. “Are we going to go back to 100-thousand people a month crossing the border? We’re going to lose this country if we go back to open borders and 1-2 thousand people steaming across a month. We need Republicans with charisma who are going to champion these issues and save our country.”

This plan would still need to pass in both the House and the Senate.

Immigration attorneys say once passed we could see changes as early as this summer or by the end of the year.

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