Former deputy involved in fatal crash released from jail, victim's family outraged

NOW: Former deputy involved in fatal crash released from jail, victim’s family outraged

Updated: 07/26/2021 03:25 PM

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) --- Joel Streicher, a former Milwaukee County Deputy, was sentenced to jail for a deadly crash, but the victim's family is furious, after learning Streicher was serving the sentence at home.

In January of 2020, community activist Caesar Stinson was killed when then-Deputy Joel Streicher blew through a red light. In April of 2021, a judge sentenced Streicher to six months in jail and two years probation. However Streicher was released and allowed to serve his time at home on a GPS monitor instead.

On July 15, Mark Thompsen, an attorney for Caesar Stinson's family, wrote a letter to Judge Michelle Havas, requesting Joel Streicher be required to serve his sentence in jail.

"When we found out that a white, former law enforcement officer wasn’t doing time, when everyone in the community knows there are young African American men in particular doing time for much less than killing someone, it really seemed unfair," Thompsen said.

It's unclear when Streicher was released.

In a letter to the judge, Stinson's wife, Chipo, wrote, "I am shocked, offended and disappointed to learn that Streicher was not serving his sentence in prison as he should be and was instead enjoying his time in the comfort of his home.

In light of the fact that I lost a husband and father to my children, 6 months behind bars is a paltry price to pay. The fact that he managed to circumvent this shows how little remorse he has and what little respect he has for the life of my husband that he took and for the lives of those impacted by his callousness and recklessness."

Stinson's daughter, Cearra, wrote a letter to the judge too. "I do understand we are in a pandemic, however this "sentence" shows no consequence for his utter criminal recklessness and is so unjust and a disservice to say the least," she wrote. "My father's life was ended, there's no future for him- a sentence like this seems to be no consequence."

It appears judge Havas did not know Streicher was out. After receiving Thompsen's letter, she held a hearing on July 19 and ordered his Huber privileges be revoked.

The Ozaukee County Jail administrator, Captain Jeffrey Sauer, confirms to CBS 58 Streicher is now in their custody.

"I will confirm that we are holding Streicher at the Ozaukee County Jail for Milwaukee County. 

Since March of 2020 the Ozaukee County Jail has placed most of the their Huber Inmates, including transfers on Electronic Monitoring.  This was done to reduce the threat of the spread of COVID19.  This policy is still in effect currently.  Prior to March of 2020 the Ozaukee County Jail did not allow any Huber Inmates out on Electronic Monitoring."

Streicher's attorney did not return a request for comment.

"We know our justice system has issues about race and fairness in sentencing and this is an example of that," Thompsen said.

The District attorney did not return requests for comment.

Thomsen says the Stinson family will be filing a civil suit in this case soon.

Published: 07/24/2021 12:34 PM

MILWAUKEE (AP) — A former Milwaukee County sheriff's deputy accused of causing a crash that killed a man will spend time behind bars instead of at home wearing a bracelet with GPS tracking.

Joel Streicher was sentenced in April to six months in jail, with work release, in the crash that killed 47-year-old Ceasar Stinson in January 2020.  

Stinson's family learned last week that Streicher wasn't serving any time in jail but was spending his nights at home, on a GPS bracelet. They reached out to the sentencing judge, who held a hearing on Monday and ordered he serve the six months in jail.
