Families find creative ways to spend their snow day

NOW: Families find creative ways to spend their snow day

WAUWATOSA, Wis. (CBS 58) ---- The snow kept students in Milwaukee and Wauwatosa out of school Wednesday, leaving many parents with the task of finding something to keep their kids occupied. Some embraced the winter wonderland, while others went for cozier options.

Melanie Doppler is one of many parents who had to find something fun for her kids to do. "We took them out sledding...and we're having so much fun!" she said. Doppler says the family has been waiting all season for a good snowfall so they could pull out the sleds. "I used to be a teacher, so I know that feeling of like, anticipating the snow day," she said.

Snow days can be fun days for kids to have some outdoor playtime, but some parents were looking for a cozy indoor alternative. They found it at The Little Village Play Café in Wauwatosa. Anastasia Bohl came in with her son and daughter. "We got an email at 5:30 this morning that my daughter's preschool was cancelled," she said.

That's when she started calling around to find somewhere she could take her kids. "We didn't want to stay home so we called around to see who was open and this place was open," said Bohl.

Abi Gilman, owner at The Little Village Play Cafe, said they spent the day serving up coffee to the grown-ups and hot chocolate to the kids. "Oh my gosh, it's been so busy today and I think lots of different ages of kids, too," said Gilman.

On days like this, Gilman says she's happy to provide a safe place where families can get a break from the cold. "You'll see a lot of parents set up here with their laptops trying to get work done. Maybe having a meeting while their kids play," she said.

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