Family relives tragic accident to send message to teen drivers
On February 4th, 2012 nine teens went out for a night of fun in Campbellsport, Wisconsin. It ended with three girls dying in a car accident.
10.0pt;font-family:\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">A video created by Score One productions details that night in interviews with three of the survivors, the victims parents, and emergency responders. It shows how one choice, one moment of invincibility can uproot your entire life.
That night the girls packed into a van, the driver was speeding on a bumpy stretch of Beechnut drive, lost control and began rolling into a field. Several of the girls were thrown from the vehicle. The sobering video was mean to hit home for drivers, sending one very serious message to SLOW DOWN.
You can check out the video on youtube, it’s a must see for teen. Here is a link: Teenage Driver Safety Campaign
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