Five Milwaukee County beaches closed due to E. Coli levels

MILWAUKEE -- Bradford Beach typcially becomes one of Milwaukee's busiest summer spots.  Tuesday, there were people playing in the sand, but no one ventured into the water.

Bradford is one of five beaches in Milwaukee County currently closed to swimming due to elevated E. Coli levels.

The Milwaukee Health Department tests the water quality six mornings a week and, based on those results, decides whether the water is safe to swim in.


Health department officials tell CBS-58 the closures at Bradford, McKinley and South Shore -- the three beaches the department tests itself --  are a direct result of all that rain we've gotten lately.  Storm water runoff pushed E. Coli levels too high.

The signs they post are advisories, meaning no one will stop you if you try to jump in, but they strongly recommend avoiding the water at this time.

\"Bradford and McKinley are posted red, which really means the microbial levels are so high that we're not recommending anyone use the beach for swimming,\" Health Department Disease Control and Environmental Health Director Paul Biedrzycki said.  \"South Shore is posted yellow, which means people should exercise caution when swimming, including observing good hygiene after using the beach.  Hand washing before consuming beverages or food.\"

These advisories change just about every day, so its worth checking the health department website before coming down.  You can find that site here.

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