Former Packers team photographer releases collection chronicling 100 years of Green Bay football

NOW: Former Packers team photographer releases collection chronicling 100 years of Green Bay football

(PORT WASHINGTON) - A game pitting two of the NFL’s most popular franchises kicks off later Sunday when the Packers and Cowboys meet in Dallas. It's an entertaining and meaningful rivalry between teams whose loyal fan bases each lay claim to the nickname America's Team."

It's also one prominently featured in a collection of stories and images captured by a Port Washington family of photographers. More than 3 years after CBS 58 Sunday Morning first put former Packers team photographer Jim Biever in the Sunday morning spotlight, Mike Strehlow sat down with Biever to talk about his new book "100 Years in Titletown”, celebrating a century of Green Bay Packers football.

Click here to learn more or purchase 100 Years in Titletown.
