Former UW-Lacrosse Chancellor Joe Gow's tenure position in limbo

NOW: Former UW-Lacrosse Chancellor Joe Gow’s tenure position in limbo

LACROSSE, WIS. (CBS 58) -- Former UW-Lacrosse Chancellor Joe Gow's Tenure status is on the chopping block.

Gow was fired for making porn with his wife, but he kept his tenured faculty position.

On Wednesday, June 19, a panel of UW-Lacrosse professors heard arguments from five witnesses. One department chair said she did not want Gow teaching in her department. 

Interim Chancellor Betsy Morgan said the impact of the scandal has hurt the university's reputation. 

"There has been significant hits about how people feel about the university because of all the press associated with this," said Morgan.

"I have some material obtained by Freedom of Information Act request, text exchanges between the interim chancellor and other officials that will clarify exactly what happened," said Gow.

Tomorrow, Gow will call his witness, after that, the panel will give their recommendation to Morgan. 

Morgan can then decide if she wants to send it to the UW Board of Regents. 

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