Frustrated Window Select customers now scrambling to cancel unfulfilled orders

NOW: Frustrated Window Select customers now scrambling to cancel unfulfilled orders

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) --- Complaints about Menomonee Falls company, Window Select are still pouring into the CBS 58 newsroom nearly two weeks after initial reports about paid unfulfilled orders.

Many customers say they are not confident their orders will arrive and now just want their money back. Tim Neubeck says he ordered windows in November of 2021 and was promised they would arrive in February but they never did. After his initial delivery date passed, he reached out for an update and was told he would not get his order until July of 2022. 

Neubeck says he became frustrated and wrote a bad online review about his experience. Shortly after, the company reached out to him.

"Justin Kiswardy, the President of the company calls me, tells me he will give me $500 off and move my time to getting my windows installed to March," said Neubeck. But his windows still did not arrive and he says he never received any updates on his order even after paying a 50% deposit. "I feel stupid," he said. 

After seeing coverage about complaints from other customers on CBS 58, Neubeck says he decided it was time to cancel his order. He filed a complaint with DATCP and took the appropriate steps to request a cancellation but his emails were met with automated replies telling him he'd have to wait weeks for a response. 

He says it wasn't until he sent a message to the company on Friday telling them he'd be speaking to CBS 58 that he got a direct reply from the company. "I got a response back from Christi Russell, the sales manager, completely ignoring my call about cancelling my order and said that they're just going to confirm my order," said Neubeck.

He says he replied and reiterated that he wants to cancel the order. "Give me back my deposit and if you've already spent money with that deposit, please give me any of the materials as well as a detailed accounting of how that money was spent," he said.

Neubeck says he has still not received his request from the company.

Justin Kiswardy, owner of the company has not responded to multiple interview requests but CBS 58 has obtained an email from the Window Select customer service team that was sent out to customers waiting for their order.

In the email, the company apologizes for delays and says it's working hard to shorten delivery times. The company also said it has re-engineered its process and promised more frequent communication. The customer service team says installers are completing 10 to 15 projects each day for its more than 5,000 customers.
