Good Samaritans Rescue Red Fox Stuck In A Rat Trap
MILWAUKEE - A red fox was rescued after some good samaritans came to its aid earlier this week.
A group of friends saw that a fox had a rat trap crushing one of its front paws and they wanted to relieve his suffering. The group borrowed a live trap from the Wildlife Rehabilitation center at the Wisconsin Humane Society and set it up in their yard. Yesterday morning, they brought back the live trap complete with the injured fox inside.
The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center immediately anesthetized the fox and removed the trap from its front paw. The fox had broken toes and a badly swollen paw. Wildlife Rehabilitators washed, debrided, and cleaned maggots away from the fox's paw. Once the paw was cleaned and dried a shield made out of a plastic water bottle was applied over the paw in the hope it would keep the fox from chewing on his own foot.
If you would like to donate to the fox's care, click here.