Grafton elementary schools will require masks amid COVID-19 surge

GRAFTON, Wis. (CBS 58) --- The Grafton School District's Board of Education approved modifications to the upcoming school year plan, including mandating masks for elementary schools on Tuesday, Aug. 23.

During Tuesday evening's meeting, the Board of Education approved multiple modifications to the original school year plan that was initially presented and approved in July. 

Face coverings are required for students and staff in the elementary schools, as well as for students and staff in the middle school while entering and leaving the building and during transition times.

Officials say shifts in school operations relating to "cohorting, face coverings, and quarantines" will occur if positivity rates in a classroom or grade at an elementary school reach 5%, 10% or 20%, of the classroom or grade population. 

Officials also say at all grade levels, shifts in school operations will occur if a combination of positivity and quarantine rates for a building, grade level, or extracurricular activity reach the 5%, 10% or 20% thresholds.

The revisions will be reevaluated at the Oct. 25 bard of education meeting. 

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