Hispanic Heritage Month: Highlighting Dr. Franklin Ruiz with Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

NOW: Hispanic Heritage Month: Highlighting Dr. Franklin Ruiz with Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

MILWAUKEE (CBS 85) -- Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations are underway and CBS 58 is highlighting the role of the Hispanic community in Wisconsin. 

Dr. Franklin Ruiz from Children's Hospital of Wisconsin travels with other medical professionals to developing countries, volunteering their services to people who need the most help. 

Dr. Ruiz' latest assignment took him to Lima, Peru to help kids with heart problems and train Peruvian doctors. Another member of the team says the need for help there is great. 

"There are literally thousands of children every year in need of operations and only a few hundred of them can get...have the ability to go through the operations. So there is in every major category of congenital heart disease they have a waitlist of several hundred to a thousand patients," said Dr. Michael Mitchell with Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. 

The goal for Dr. Ruiz and the rest of the team is to help raise the level of care in Lima. 

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