Hot weather draws visitors to McKinley Beach

NOW: Hot weather draws visitors to McKinley Beach

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Its certainly beach weather on Wednesday, June 12. CBS 58 went to McKinley Beach along Lake Michigan to check out the crowds. 

The beach had just reopened last month after four years of work to improve safety. It wasn't too crowded while CBS 58 was there. We talked to one man who is originally from Brazil. This is a man who's used to the heat, but he did have one complaint. 

"The water is too cold, too cold. I like the sun, stay and just relax and get some tan," said Chico Pearsotto. 

"It's kinda hard, getting like, to the deep end and getting your full body wet. But like, once you like sitting there and like your body starts immunin' to it, so it doesn't feel as bad," said 11-year-old Morgan Pacheco. 

It is just the start of the summer season, and the lake will get warmer as we see more hot days. 

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