How do you eat a cream puff? Celebrating 100 years of the State Fair staple

NOW: How do you eat a cream puff? Celebrating 100 years of the State Fair staple

WEST ALLIS, Wis. (CBS58) - You can't celebrate the Wisconsin State Fair without the iconic cream puff. This year marks 100 years of the State Fair staple.

“Should be another 100, too. We’ll go 100 more into cream puff land," said Debbie Craig, a State Fair attendee.

The State Fair staple began in 1924 and it's showing no signs of slowing down. The Original Cream Puff staff say they're expecting to sell 400,000 cream puffs during this year's run.

“We’ve been coming for 30 years," said Craig. "The Cream Puff Pavilion is always our first stop."

Some travel from far and wide to have a bite. Just take Donna and Bethany Hankel for example. The mother and daughter traveled from Florida to be at opening day.

"We got up at four o clock this morning, got to the airport by six, flew up here, just so we could come to the State Fair," said Hankel.

People say there's a method behind the madness and messiness when it comes to eating the cream puff.

“I take little pieces of this and I dip it into the cream puff otherwise it is all over your face," said Craig.

Wis. Governor Tony Evers declared Aug. 10th as Cream Puff Day and he's got his own strategy to enjoy the delicacy.

“You hold it together, one in a hand, twist it a little bit and you can pretty much get it. You get all over your face after that but it’s a start," said Evers.

No matter what way you eat it, there's something everyone can agree on -- it's not a state fair without the cream puff.

“It says we’re really smart people and we know what we like," said Evers.

Limited edition flavors of the cream puff will be available throughout the State Fair run, including root beer, raspberry cheesecake, English toffee, and chocolate birthday cake.
