Hundreds attend rally at state Capitol, protesting cuts made to Department of Veterans Affairs

NOW: Hundreds attend rally at state Capitol, protesting cuts made to Department of Veterans Affairs

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Hundreds of people, including many veterans, made their voices heard at the state Capitol Friday, March 14. 

A protest was held in response to the recent actions of the Trump administration, including the massive cuts being made to the Department of Veterans Affairs. 

One protester, who heavily relies on the VA in Madison, voiced his frustration as his future aid from the VA is now the question. 

"The administration has no respect for veterans," said veteran Michael Weber. "Trump never has respect for veterans. He's called us suckers and losers, and so he's never respected the price we had to pay for our country."

The protest in Madison was just one of many across the country, including thousands marching on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

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