Jeffrey Norman sworn in as Milwaukee's new police chief

NOW: Jeffrey Norman sworn in as Milwaukee’s new police chief

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A new police chief is on the job in Milwaukee. Monday, Nov. 15, Milwaukee Police Department Acting Chief Jeffrey Norman was sworn in after 14 months of the department not having a police chief.

Norman was the interim chief after the demotion of former MPD Chief Morales.

Rampant car thefts, violence against youth, and tension between police and some parts of our community in Milwaukee, were addressed during Chief Norman's swearing in.

"There is a new day in regards to what the community is saying we do not want in our community," said Chief Norman.

He also called out gun violence and reckless driving by name as things he's looking to address by working with organizations like the Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention in his time as chief.

"I've witnessed you make every attempt to turn the tide and work collaboratively to prevent violence and your command staff has genuinely followed suit," said Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention Director Arnitta Holliman.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said he thinks Chief Norman can make headway by working to regain public trust in the Milwaukee Police Department.

"In order for us to succeed this has to be a community where our residents can work with and respect our police department," said Mayor Barrett.

Milwaukee Common Council President Cavalier Johnson said he wants to see Chief Norman, a Milwaukee native and police officer for 25 years, change the culture of the police department, and help to bridge the divide between police and the Black community.

"I feel like and I think people in this room feel like we're getting there, we're turning the corner," said Johnson.

Norman said he hopes to do that by working with partners within the community.

"We're coming together on this, from the faith base, from our community stakeholders, the police department is standing very tall with those who are saying we want our streets back," said Chief Norman.

Chief Norman was sworn in for a four-year term.

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