'Let Josh Run': Campbellsport senior appeals WIAA ruling that may make him ineligible to compete in regional track meet

CAMPBELLSPORT, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A Campbellsport senior's ineligibility has gotten the attention of representatives across Wisconsin. Joshua Onwunili is fighting for a chance to run in his regional track and field meet after the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association ruled him ineligible because of his dad's visa problems. 

When his feet start moving, the rest of the world around Onwunili goes silent. 

"Like I don't think of anything when I'm running. It's just, you're zoned in," said Onwunili, "It's just you and the finish line and that's about it. It's kind of relieving just to run."

The Campbellsport senior is one of the fastest track athletes in the state, but his passion for running could come to a halt. 

"It's disappointing. It's really disappointing," said Onwunili. 

After two years on a mission trip in South Africa, Onwunili and his mom returned to their hometown of Campbellsport, but the WIAA deemed Onwunili ineligible to compete in any varsity sports. The reason? Onwunili's dad was unable to return to the U.S with his family because his visa was expired.

"We kept giving them documents and then they continued to ask for more and it was just an uphill battle," said Onwunili. Look at the big picture, look at what's going on and then decide off of that instead of just reading the rules."

According to the WIAA's handbook, it states that both parents must reside within the school district for a student to be eligible. 

"What is the spirit of the rule? And how many kids are we hindering?" said Derek Toshner, the Campbellsport Head Track Coach.

Onwunili isn't the only student affected by this rule.

"Just in the last three years, we've had this case happen twice in our track and field team alone," said Toshner. 

In a statement to CBS 58, State Representative Jerry O'Connor urged the WIAA to reconsider their decision, writing, "there is simply no justification for the WIAA denying Josh's request to run in the state track meet."

State Representative Glenn Grothman told CBS 58 he was contacted about the "requirement that Joshua's father's vis status be made available to the WIAA" and "given that Joshua and his mom are here, I'm not sure why this would be necessary."

As of Thursday night, the WIAA says if they can verify that Onwunili's dad's visa is expired, then they may consider him eligible to run. The WIAA has until 8:00 a.m. Friday morning to make a final ruling. 

"There's been multiple people who have told me I'm in your corner," said Onwunili. 

On the Campbellsport track, Onwunili says these are kids, not cases. He wants the WIAA to give everyone a chance to compete. 

"I'm hoping with all of this, they do adjust the rule for future people that may come along," said Onwunili.

A chance, to 'let Josh run.'

"It would be a dream. It would be so much fun," said Onwunili.

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