Lifeguards needed in Milwaukee County for summer season amid national shortages

NOW: Lifeguards needed in Milwaukee County for summer season amid national shortages

MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- As we head into the warmer months, Milwaukee County is continuing to pursue seasonal workers during their busiest time of the year. One of those areas they need is to address lifeguards. 

Lifeguard shortages have been happening across the country over the past few years, and though the Milwaukee County Parks say the numbers have been growing steadily, they are still short of the number of staff they need to keep all of the swim areas safe. 

"We need more lifeguards than ever, it is just a high demand thing because we want to protect all individuals when they go swimming and there's nothing better than a lifeguard and a pool," said Sheldon Wasserman, county executive. 

Milwaukee County Parks say they need roughly 300 lifeguards on staff to make sure all swimming areas across the area are staffed. 

For more information from Milwaukee County, click here. 
