Mayor's bike ride returns to Milwaukee, encouraging residents to get out and bike

NOW: Mayor’s bike ride returns to Milwaukee, encouraging residents to get out and bike

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- After being canceled the last two years because of the pandemic, the Milwaukee mayor's bike ride made its return Thursday, June 9, with a five-mile, leisurely trek through Milwaukee. 

It couldn't have been better weather to celebrate Wisconsin Bike Week and a lot of folks took advantage of it, strapping on their helmets and joining Mayor Cavalier Johnson and other city and county leader for Thursday's journey. 

The mayor himself rode one of the Bublr Bikes available throughout the city. 

Riders rolled out of Sherman Park shortly after 8 a.m., and with guidance from Wisconsin Bike Fed, navigated their way through several different neighborhoods and parks around the city, including Washington Park. 

Treyvion Miller was out for the ride with his mentor from the Running Rebels Community Organization. Although the eighth grader says the five mile ride was his first 'long ride,' it didn't top him from racing to the front of the pack.

"I got the bike yesterday," Miller said. "For the first three blocks I want to say, I felt like I got the hang of it to lead the way."

Mayor Johnson said he wants to encourage more folks to get out of their homes and give biking a try. 

"I encourage people, no matter where you are in Milwaukee, to get up and to get active," Mayor Johnson said. "It's the easy way to make sure you're looking out for your own health, you're reducing your own stress, simply by picking up a bike and getting on." 

Meantime, CBS 58 asked Mayor Johnson if electric scooters will make a return to Milwaukee. He said there is work being done to try and bring them back to the city and says it's something he hopes will happen. 

"I think Milwaukee should be a city where everybody has access. Everybody has access to alternative modes of transportation," Mayor Johnson said. "We saw that in years past electric scooters have been very, very popular in Milwaukee and it's something I'd like to see return."

Along with Wisconsin Bike Fed, team members from Wheel and Sprocket were on hand helping repair flat tires and helping bikers stay rolling and safe -- something Mayor Johnson says is important no matter what mode of transportation you are using. 

"The streets are for people, right? So we have to work to make sure that whether you're in a vehicle, or if you're on an electric scooter or if you're on a bicycle that you're able to operate that vehicle in a safe manner," Mayor Johnson said. "That's why we'll continue to be strong on the issue of reckless driving, so that more people feel comfortable when they're getting on the road, no matter what form of transportation they're using."

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