Meteorological summer goes into the records wet and warm

NOW: Meteorological summer goes into the records wet and warm

The end of August not only brought the end of the month but also the end of meteorological summer. Summer as defined in the weather world includes the months of June, July and August and is different than the Astronomical seasons we all know because it's easier for keeping stats. Speaking of those stats, summer was overall warm in Milwaukee with an average temperature of 71.7 degrees going down as the 19th warmest on record!

When it came to rainfall during the summer months it was a tale of two slightly different seasons. June and the first part of July were very wet with 26 days that saw rain but the second half of summer saw less than half that with only 12 days with rain for the second half of July and all of August.

Even though we didn't see as much rain in the second half of summer, we still had enough rain to see 11.71" of rain for June, July and August which was just a bit above average and well above summer 2023 when drought conditions were in place.

Now as we head into meteorological fall most of the country is expected to stay above average, including Wisconsin. The state is looking at a trend of 30-40% chance for above average temps for the months of September, October and November. 

Download the CBS 58 Ready Weather app to track the temps for the start of meteorological fall! 

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