Not-so-friendly skies: Michigan-based helicopter company faces backlash from Milwaukee alderman over chopper noise

NOW: Not-so-friendly skies: Michigan-based helicopter company faces backlash from Milwaukee alderman over chopper noise

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Tuesday, Feb.14, a Milwaukee alderman said a Michigan-based company is flying under the radar when it comes to the noise of their helicopter.

The company, MyFlight, started offering helicopter tours in January 2023 out of Milwaukee Mitchell International airport.

The chopper tours raised concerned for constituents of Scott Spiker, alderman of the 13th district.

"She said you never believe it, but it sounded like there was a helicopter over my house all Sunday long," said Spiker, after he received a phone call from a resident who lives in the 13th district.

Spiker said the helicopter has been nothing but a noise machine.

"You can't have a moment's peace with that, and these are folks who are used to living by an airport, they're used to plane noise, this is something, a whole different animal," said Spiker.

Owners of the aviation company said the purpose of the bird is to provide Milwaukeeans a new way to view their city.

"This is such a cool city, why is there no one giving aerial tours of the city?" said Sergio Troiani, owner of MyFlight.

The company operates out of three locations: Michigan, Tennessee, and now, Milwaukee.

Spiker said not all cities can operate the same.

"You have to look at the city you're in and the difference in the layouts of those cities, and right here, where they are flying out of, it's not a good fit," said Spiker.

The owners of MyFlight said they were unaware of any noise complaints in the Milwaukee area. They said the chopper flight pattern can be easily modified.

"It's our first mission, let's stop everything and figure out a way to solve this, and we are always able to solve it," said Troiani.

Now, Spiker is calling for either the county to act, or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

"Seeing if there is an elevation, seeing if there is certain restrictions that can be put into place that would make these businesses friendlier to the neighbors."

MyFlight said they are willing to work out the issues in order to keep their helicopters in the sky.

"We're the owners of the company, you don’t have to go through a whole long list of hierarchy to get to us. This is my phone, this isn't work, this is- I am enjoying everything we do. This started off as a hobby, now we get to do this every day for a job," said Troiani.
