Milwaukee Alderman Calls for Sales Tax Increase to Hire More Cops
Milwaukee Alderman Bob Donovan wants a half-cent per dollar sales tax.
Donovan said that could fund about 200 new Milwaukee Police officers, and allow the Milwaukee Fire Department to hire additional firefighters.
Donovan said, “Crime isn’t under control, it’s getting worse. The level of disorder is getting worse in an increasing number of neighborhoods. I’ve had it, and I’m sure a lot of people have. So something needs to be done, and if not this, then what?
Donovan was also critical of city and state leaders blaming each other for issues in Milwaukee.
Donovan said, “I’m doing the best I can as Alderman, okay? If the rest of my colleagues. and the mayor [Tom Barrett], and the governor [Scott Walker], and everyone in the state is happy with the status quo then screw ‘em, as far as I’m concerned.”
A plan to increase a sales tax would need to pass the State Legislature and be approved by Governor Walker.
Wednesday afternoon, Walker did not comment on Donovan's proposal because he said he hadn't reviewed it yet.
State Senator Van Wanggaard (R-Racine), chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, said, "I'm glad at least one voice on the city council is hearing the cries from the public demanding more police and protection in Milwaukee. But I cannot support a local tax earmarked for law enforcement when Milwaukee is wasting tens of millions of dollars on a streetcar. How many additional police and firefighters could be funded with the money that will be wasted on that project year after year?