Milwaukee alderwoman wants to regulate armed security guards after 29-year-old man shot and killed

NOW: Milwaukee alderwoman wants to regulate armed security guards after 29-year-old man shot and killed

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- We're learning new information about the Wednesday morning shooting death of a man at a Milwaukee gas station.

Now a Milwaukee alderwoman wants City Hall to regulate armed security guards, saying Milwaukee neighborhoods deserve better.

Alderwoman Andrea Pratt plans to introduce legislation that would regulate armed security guards at Milwaukee businesses.

Dozens of people have protested outside the Clark gas station at Teutonia and Roosevelt over the past two days, mourning the loss of 29-year-old Isaiah Allen.

They want the gas station shut down while the shooting is investigated, and Pratt echoed those calls Thursday.

Allen was shot and killed Wednesday morning. Witnesses say a security guard shot him.

MPD did not share much about the person who allegedly pulled the trigger, but Pratt shed more light on what happened in a lengthy statement on what she called an unacceptable tragedy.

Pratt said she is looking into "many questions about armed security," and will create council legislation "that regulates the use of security guards, making it a requirement that they be licensed and bonded."

Pratt also said in her statement that businesses should not be allowed to have security "if that security is not credentialed by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services."

Allen was the father of two. His mother said he suffered from mental health issues and was to leave for Kentucky Wednesday to get professional treatment.

He was shot and killed that morning at 6:20 a.m.

A man who worked at the gas station in the past said it's a trouble area. Pratt wants it closed throughout the shooting investigation, adding businesses must be good community partners.

MPD has not shared much about the suspect in this shooting, only saying it is a person known to them.

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