Milwaukee's Millennial Task Force works to attract and keep young people in the city

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- How do millennials in Milwaukee choose whether to stay or leave?

A group known as the Millennial Task Force was created to investigate this very question. 

Segregation, inadequate infrastructure and education are just some of the reasons why this group believes millennials are choosing to move to other states.

The Millennial Task Force was created by the Common Council to help find recommendations to these issues that Milwaukee and Wisconsin have struggled with for years. 

A 2019 report by the Office of Workforce Development showed the city and state has a track record of failing to attract and keep young, educated workers. 

Discounted college tuition, a focus on free mental health services and creating a fund for start-up businesses are just some of the recommendations the group had for the city.

"We want to keep people here, we want to keep this a vibrant city. It's disappointing when we see more people leaving than coming in."

They say a big problem with not being able to keep or attract young people is having a bigger affect on our economy. 

The big picture here is that businesses aren't able to fill open positions.

Millennials, according to the task force, are from 20-40 years old. 

The Millennial Task Force really wants these findings to ensure those young professionals can picture themselves here in Milwaukee, with a successful job and a great foundation for a family.

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