Muskego Police Department introduces 'comfort room' for kids, victims

NOW: Muskego Police Department introduces ’comfort room’ for kids, victims

MUSKEGO, Wis. (CBS 58) -- For trauma and abuse victims, sharing their stories isn't always easy. But the Muskego Police Department hopes to change that. 

It's called the "comfort room." The Muskego Women's Club worked alongside the Muskego Police Department to transform a traditional interview room into one where women, kids, and anyone else in a vulnerable situation can feel safe and distracted from the pain. 

Covered in textures, toys, books, and games, the comfort room holds true to its name. 

The Muskego Police Department says since its creation, the room feedback has been overwhelming from both people in the community and officers.

"We've had officers sitting on the floor, coloring with them, watching movies with them, and prior to this room, we didn't have the ability to do that with them," said Lt. Steve Johannik. "So it's been a positive thing for everybody involved."

The Muskego Women's Group says they hope to take this idea and introduce it to other police stations across the region.

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