Need for foster families jumps as Mt. Pleasant couple share the joys of it

NOW: Need for foster families jumps as Mt. Pleasant couple share the joys of it

RACINE COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The push is on to find loving homes for foster kids in Racine County who desperately need them.

Right now, there are 147 children who've been placed in "out of home" care in Racine County. That's a 33% increase in one year. This campaign "Do It Anyway" is kicking off tonight, and we met up with foster parents who feel called to do so.

"Once we were kind of done having children it just seemed like I had more to give," said foster parent Jennifer Durbin.

The Durbin's have a full house -- with seven biological children, one adopted and now two foster children. Ages span from 25 down to four months.

"Every day's an adventure and I've kind of let go of expectations," said Jennifer Durbin.

We saw it during our interview, with a brief interruption.

(ringing) "That's an alarm to feed a baby," said Jennifer Durbin.

We can't show you the sweet faces of the little ones Jennifer and Dr. Paul Durbin are fostering. The four-month-old Coo's sweet, as she takes her bottle while her older brother who's 16 months old toddles around the playroom as the couple's biological children look on.

"I think fostering gives great opportunities for our children to serve others. Just as Christians, we want to love each person as being valuable in God's eyes," said foster parent Dr. Paul Durbin.

Racine County's need for foster families like the Durbin's in Mt. Pleasant is growing fast.

"Across the country children are sleeping lobbies of government offices because homes cannot be found for children. Thankfully we haven't encountered that here in Racine County and we're trying to do everything to avoid that," said Steve Bedwell, Racine County youth and family services manager.

After being part of this for years now, Jennifer says she has one dream.

"That our social workers don’t have to make hard choices about where to put these kids."

"I see that's emotional for you."

"Yea, cause it's hard. They often don't have good choices to make, I mean it's a hard situation anyway, what a blessing it would be if they had multiple homes saying yea, we'll be able to do this," said Jennifer Durbin.

If you're thinking maybe this is something for you, check out their website, or contact the Racine County Youth and Family Services Division at 262-638-7720.

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