Oak Creek teacher is on the cover of Oxygen Magazine for winning fitness challenge

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A local teacher is giving us all inspiration to get into shape this year!

Anzan Alaimo teaches fifth grade at Edgewood Elementary. Now the Oak Creek woman is on the cover of Oxygen Magazine, an online publication that focuses on fitness, after winning a workout challenge.

Alaimo says she's always been active, but she wasn't consistent. 

"This whole challenge is neat because it's a regular person, for lack of a better term. I'm not a fitness infuencer or trainer, I'm not a fitness model," said Alaimo. 

She also entered the magazine's challenge two years ago but didn't win. She decided to try the 90-day journey again last year, and now she's on the cover.

She hopes to inspire others with her dedication to healthy living.

"One of the biggest takeaways that I've learned in the whole process is don't do that comparison game, don't do the so-and-so's lost this much weight in this amount of time and so-and-so looks like this, don't do that comparison game. You're on your own journey. And I would say don't try to change everything at once," said Alaimo. 

The magazine connected participants with a trainer for the program. 

You can check out Alaimo's story and learn more about the challenge here. 

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