Racine Woman Wakes Up to Man with Hammer Standing Next to Her

A Racine woman awoke on March 5 to her 230-pound ex-boyfriend standing over her with a hammer telling her was going to kill her, according to the criminal complaint. 

The woman said she woke up at 8:20 AM with him standing over the top of her while she was still in bed.

She told Racine police they had broken up over three months ago, and her ex-boyfriend had not lived with her since that time.

Police learned he had kicked in the front door and her bedroom door.

She awoke to him swearing at her and him telling her he had her and to get out of bed.

After getting out of the bed, he continued to tell her he was going to kill her.

She observed a silver hammer in the back of his pants.

He told her might go to jail for this but, that he would get a low bond and get out and kill her.

She followed him out of the house while yelling for him to stay out.  He left the house alone on foot, and she returned in the home with the door open.

She then heard noises coming from the street in front of her house.

She looked outside and witnessed him smashing her rear two driver’s side windows and then front shield.

She told police she had recently filed a complaint against him for slashing her tires.

Racine Police pulled the suspect over in a traffic stop six days later, in the car was baggies of THC. When questioned about it, the suspect smiled and said he had placed the baggies on his seat prior to the stop.

The woman’s ex-boyfriend previously had been convicted with intimidating a witness and fourth degree sexual  assault. 

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