Residents from Cudahy fire still waiting to return to apartment complex

NOW: Residents from Cudahy fire still waiting to return to apartment complex

CUDAHY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Residents are still waiting to return to their homes after a Cudahy apartment fire displaced dozens of seniors. While some can return next week, others in highly damaged areas still don't have an answer. 

After the fire ended, a new set of worries began for residents of the Washington Sqaure apartments. 

"We can’t sleep, and we can’t take a shower," said resident Yohana Hahn. 

The Tuesday night fire on South Packard Avenue began on the third floor and spread up to the attic. 

“To go in there and see all my stuff damaged is really bad," said resident Joanne Krahn.

Property managers say the first, second, and third floors have the most water damage. Residents who live in the center and south wing will be able to return. Krahn says she lives in the section that was highly damaged. She says she don't know when her family will be allowed back into their homes. 

“We’re in a motel right now, so we don’t have to worry about it yet, but I don’t know how long it’s going to take," said Krahn.

Community groups say there is help. More than 40 residents displaced were bussed to the Kelly Senior Center to receive resources like food, medical care, and long-term housing solutions.

“Before they leave here today, we want to get them started on a recovery plan," Bill Satterlee, a volunteer partner with the American Red Cross. 

The Red Cross, along with other nonprofits and the Cudahy Health Department say they'll continue to check in with displaced residents until there is a solution. 

“We know that people may have lost clothing, they have lost food, some have lost belongings," said Satterlee. 

Residents say they're holding onto hope they best they can.

“I guess we’ll have to take it as it comes, you know?" said Krahn. 

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