Ricky finds a forever home
Two-and-a-half-year old terrier mix named Ricky, was adopted on May 28 after being fostered for over a year by a Pewaukee family.
CBS 58 first reported on Ricky looking for a forever home in early May.
The Schueller family in Pewaukee fostered Ricky for over a year. However, the family is now expecting their first child in August.
\"You grow to like him a lot, he's a good dog, but he needs a situation that we can't provide for him right now,\" said Greg Schueller.
The organization \"Milwaukee Pets Alive\" found Ricky a forever home after a social media campaign
\"Ricky has a big 'ol goofy smile on his face because he was ADOPTED tonight! His new dad saw the things he needed in a home to be happy and he said yes, I want to give those things to Ricky and give him a good home,\" said Milwaukee Pets Alive in a statement.
Ricky takes daily medication to help with his PTSD and anxiety \\. The cost is about $50 a month. Milwaukee Pets Alive plans to start a fund to assist with the continuation of making sure Ricky can always have the medication.