Teen sentenced to 12 years in prison for robbery, carjacking and kidnapping of Waukesha woman

NOW: Teen sentenced to 12 years in prison for robbery, carjacking and kidnapping of Waukesha woman

WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A Waukesha teen convicted of robbing, carjacking and kidnapping an 87-year-old grandmother will spend a dozen years in prison, a judge ruled Friday, June 30.

In November 2021, Khalil Perry was 14 years old when he was outside the Waukesha Public Library. The 87-year-old victim was attempting to drop off books at the outdoor book drop but was having difficulty doing so and asked Perry to help.

That's when Perry took a knife he had and threatened the woman to get into the passenger's seat of her car. Perry drove the car away from the library and took the vehicle to a different parking lot.

Perry was found guilty earlier this year of armed robbery with use of force, operating without consent with possession of weapon and kidnapping with the use of a dangerous weapon.

He was also charged with one count of sexual assault, but the jury failed to reach a consensus and that charge was declared a mistrial.

At a sentencing hearing Friday, the victim of the incident gave a brief statement.

"All I wanted to say to Mr. Perry was I forgive you for what you did to me and the sorrow and pain that you caused my family," the victim said. CBS 58 is not sharing the victim's identity due to the graphic nature of details surrounding the case.

Perry, now 16 years old, also shared a statement.

"I would like to apologize for what the victim in my case went through," Perry told the courtroom. "And what her family and her friends had to go through. I am in court today asking for forgiveness from the victim in my case."

Judge Jennifer Dorow highlighted the severity of the offenses as part of the reasoning behind her sentence.

"[The sentence] really recognizes the seriousness of what you did, but balances that with your youth, your lack of prior record, and is a reflection of the need to protect the community," Dorow said.

With that, Dorow sentenced Perry to 12 years of total time in prison, with eight years of extended supervision.

The court will meet again in October for a status conference to discuss if the prosecution will seek further action on the mistrial regarding the charge of sexual assault.
