Uptick in Legionnaires' disease seen in Sheboygan County

SHEBOYGAN COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- As if COVID-19 and the flu weren't enough to be worried about, health officials in Sheboygan County are looking into cases of Legionnaires' disease. 

Sheboygan County Health and Human Services says two facilities, Pine Haven Christian Communities assisted living center in Oostburg, and the MilliporSigma plant in Sheboygan Falls, are being tested as possible sources. 

Legionnaires' disease is a form of pneumonia caused by inhaling Legionella bacteria contained in mist or water droplets. 

An investigation is still ongoing. 


  • The risk of developing Legionnaires’ disease is low, but it occurs more frequently among people aged 50
    years and older, those who smoke, and among individuals who are at higher risk of infection, such as
    those with a chronic illness, respiratory disease, or a weakened immune system.
  • Most cases of Legionnaires’ disease are successfully treated with antibiotics.
  • Symptoms include high fever, chills, cough, fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches.
  • These symptoms usually begin 2-14 days after being exposed.
  • If you are ill with any combination of these symptoms, we strongly encourage you to see your health
    care provider.

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