Waukesha teacher charged with child abuse back in court, records show loaded gun found at Lawrence School

NOW: Waukesha teacher charged with child abuse back in court, records show loaded gun found at Lawrence School

WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Police found a loaded gun in an unlocked office while executing a search warrant at the Lawrence School child care center on Sept. 14, state records show.

Officials executed the warrant following allegations of abuse at the child care center.

According to records from the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, "a loaded firearm, not in a locked box, was discovered on the premises in the licensee's unlocked office." Records also show a bottle of prescription drugs was found in the same unlocked office. Both discoveries are violations of state child safety policies.

Records also show the Lawrence School's child care provider license was revoked on Sept. 16, two days after the search warrant was executed and the center closed indefinitely.

The information comes to light as Heather Miller, who was the lead teacher at the center and is charged with child abuse, returned to court on Monday, Sept. 19.

Miller faces two counts: child abuse-intentionally cause harm and 2.

Miller's mother posted the cash bond of $6,000.

During a hearing on Monday, the court discussed Miller's options for being represented by a lawyer. Miller said since being fired from the school last week, she has no income and little to no significant assets to sell in order to pay for a lawyer.

"You've got no income and you've got no assets and you've got some expenses, and was that the answers you gave to the public defender's office when you asked them to appoint you an attorney?" Commissioner David Herring asked Miller. "Yes, sir," Miller replied.

Herring told Miller to check with the public defender's office to see if she qualifies for a public defender or if she'll be appointed one that she will eventually have to pay back.

"Either you are going to get approved by them, or you're going to get appointed an attorney by the courts," Herring told Miller.

Miller exited the courtroom with her mother. Reporters asked Miller questions but she did not respond and tried covering her face. Miller's mother said her daughter is innocent until proven guilty.

Miller's next court appearance is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 27 for an update on her attorney representation.

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