'Get some signs up': Seniors from Clinton Rose Senior Center protest reckless driving in Harambee neighborhood

’Get some signs up’: Seniors from Clinton Rose Senior Center protest reckless driving in Harambee neighborhood

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A group of Milwaukee seniors are taking a stand against reckless driving in the city.

They raised awareness on Thursday, Sept. 19 with a protest, next to a road that they say has been causing problems.

"Daily we see the issues. Daily, we see cars going so fast, they're going in the bike lanes driving past people," said Alice Stokes, a senior who joined the protest Thursday.

With signs reading "YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS" and "SLOW DOWN," regulars at the Clinton Rose Senior Center are hoping to send a message to drivers on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in the Harambee neighborhood.

"They're just tired of the reckless driving," said Tracey Dent, a center volunteer. "They were telling me that seniors have a voice too."

Seniors there say crossing MLK Drive has become too dangerous, due to fast drivers that aren't paying attention.

"Especially the ones who are in walkers, wheelchairs, they can't even get across the street because people are in a hurry to turn on the light," Stokes said.

She believes a "no turn on red" sign at the intersection of MLK Dr. and Locust St. could be a big help.

"Right away, that will slow people down, because they have to stay there until the light changes," Stokes explained. "We have to get some signs up. If that will help to just not hurt one person, that'll be beautiful."

Seniors make up many of the pedestrians in the area, and Stokes says it's important for them to feel safe.

"Just help us out by slowing down, stopping on a red light, let pedestrians go. Common courtesy," she said.

Volunteers at the Senior Center tell us they've called the city about these concerns.

They hope to see a change especially as the new MLK Library apartment complex opens, which could increase pedestrian traffic.

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