West Allis business organizing relief for Hurricane Helene victims

NOW: West Allis business organizing relief for Hurricane Helene victims

WEST ALLIS, Wis.  (CBS 58) -- A local business is collecting donations for hurricane relief this week.

Brew City Builders in West allis is known for its service of providing custom decks and porches. Dan Terrill says being in the business for this long, he's built a lot of contacts in the industry. When Hurricane Helene hit, he started to check on his friends.

"I reached out. Eventually they said 'Hey, we're good, but everything is gone,'" Terrill says that prompted him to take action.

He put out a call through his business Facebook page for the community to step up and help him collect supplies.

"I'm overwhelmed with the support we've had in two days," he said. Three pallets and counting now of necessities for those impacted by the devastation.

"All the containers you see here are anywhere from large to 5x in sweatshirts and t-shirts. There are quite a few bins. We're stacking 120 total as of right now and there's more coming later today and tomorrow," he said.

By the end of the week, the collected supplies will make way to those who need it.

"Me and one of the employees are heading out Friday morning at 2 a.m. to head to Bulls Gap, Tennessee," he said.

"It fills my heart just knowing that there's so many people helping other people that they don't even know," said Amy Terrill.

Dan says right now they're focused on collecting clothing and cooking supplies like camping stoves, lighters and propane.

Anyone interested in donating can head to Brew City Builders Facebook page where they'll be posting updates about what's needed through the week.

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