Window Select owner failed to pay mortgage; sued for $1.2 million in foreclosure lawsuit

NOW: Window Select owner failed to pay mortgage; sued for $1.2 million in foreclosure lawsuit

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- More financial trouble for Menomonee Falls company, Window Select. The company and its owner are being sued for more than $1.2 million in a mortgage foreclosure suit.

Court documents filed in Racine County this week show the property in question is the $2 million home in Burlington listed in public records as the home of Window Select owner Justin Kiswardy. A bank in Lake Mills is suing Kiswardy and his spouse for failure to make mortgage payments. The court documents also list the company's name.

This is one of several recent court documents filed against Window Select and its owner as financial trouble looms and frustrated customers continue to take legal action.

Other customers still waiting for windows say they're now considering taking action as well.

"I have Windows that are rotting. I mean literally rotting and they're on the front of my house," said Evelyn Ray-Cowan. She lives in Milwaukee and says she gave Window Select more than $7,000 back in October.

More than six months later, she is still waiting for new windows. She says getting these windows installed for her home is especially important.

"My husband built this home over 40 years ago and he passed away 6 years ago. He left me the house so at this point I'm just trying to maintain it as he left me to do," she said.

A third-party firm called Cogent Analytics has taken over operations for Window Select. Ray-Cowan says she's received emails from them telling her she will get her windows by September but she's not confident that will happen.

"We've been hearing that story one time too many. I am so disappointed, so hurt," she said.

Ray-Cowan says at this time, she wants her money back so she can find another company to have her windows installed.

She's hoping this can happen within the next three months, as her current windows are in poor condition. She says she now plans to file complaints against Window Select.

The foreclosure suit against the company is just one of three lawsuits filed against Window Select this week. Right now, there are about a dozen pending lawsuits across several Wisconsin counties.
