Wisconsin Senators respond to tax plan approval

WISCONSIN (CBS58) -- U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) released the following statement after the Senate passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:

“The number one component of a solution to many of America’s problems is robust economic growth. Passing pro-growth tax reform that allows American business to compete globally is a necessary step. No major piece of legislation is ever perfect, but this bill is a significant improvement over our current tax system. I will remain committed to conducting effective oversight to measure results and provide continuous improvement of our tax code and economy.”

While U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin issued the following statement:

“This is largely a tax giveaway to the wealthiest few, big corporations and Wall Street while millions of middle class families will face tax hikes. Powerful corporations get permanent tax breaks, the top 1% will see 83% of the benefits, and Republicans have put people’s health care on the chopping block to pay for it. That’s just not right and it’s not fair. This was a huge missed opportunity to do right by working families in Wisconsin. We should have worked together on bipartisan reform that was focused on the middle class but Republicans chose a go-it-alone approach to deliver a huge gift to those who have too much power and influence in Washington.”
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