Wisconsin State Parks community rallies to find man's lost Urkel doll

NOW: Wisconsin State Parks community rallies to find man’s lost Urkel doll

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Wisconsin State Parks Facebook group had a unique request from a member. 

The post read: "If anyone is or has hiked through the Hartmann Creek Segment and finds a Steve Urkel doll with a pull string, he fell out of my backpack. I've had him since I was 7." 

Comments on the post show the state park hiking community rallied, found and reunited the man with his Urkel doll. 

CBS 58 has learned, he goes by "Chester" on Facebook, but his real name is Justin. He's had the Urkel doll for more than 30 years and just likes to take him on hikes and post photos. 

A lot of people do that with stuffed animals or something similar but Urkel is definitely unique. 

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