Birth of A Baby in The Upstairs Bathroom for One Local Couple

For one Jefferson County couple their bathroom became a birthing center recently.  Katie and Adam Reinfeldt gave birth to their second daughter, Alyson, in the early morning hours of April 10th.

They say everything happened so fast there was no time to get to the hospital. So they called 9-1-1 and then had the baby in the upstairs bathroom in a matter of six minutes.  Dispatcher Rachel Schloesser assisted with the big event. Lake Mills EMS responded within minutes after the birth. Mom,dad, and baby were then taken to the hospital. They were home the next day.

At birth, Little Alyson was 7 1/2 pounds and 5 ounces.  And 20 and a half inches long.

Her 2 and 1/2 year old big sister, Ella, was asleep in the bedroom down the hall while all the excitement was happening.

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