Roe v. Wade turns up heat in Wisconsin Senate race

NOW: Roe v. Wade turns up heat in Wisconsin Senate race

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade could turn up the pressure in Wisconsin's 2022 U.S. Senate race.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, (D-Massachusetts), said on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" Sunday that to return abortion rights to all Americans, they need to pick up seats in the Senate.

"Two more senators who are willing to protect access to abortion and get rid of the filibuster so we can pass it. And yes, John Fetterman, I am looking at you in Pennsylvania. Mandela Barnes, I am looking at you in Wisconsin. We bring them in, then we've got the votes," Warren said.

While Sen. Warren has endorsed Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes in the race for the Democratic nomination, he is locked in a primary fight with other candidates like State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, who held a news conference in Madison Monday to advocate for women's reproductive rights. Godlewski told the assembled crowd of doctors and supporters that "women need to be making their own health care decisions, not politicians."

A CBS News poll shows that most Americans disapprove of the SCOTUS decision.

Senate candidate Alex Lasry agrees that voters can win back abortion rights in November.

"I 100-percent support ending the filibuster and it's to make sure we can codify Roe, and it's to make sure we ban assault weapons. These are all things that voters overwhelmingly support," Lasry said.

We contacted Sen. Ron Johnson's (R-Wisconsin) media office, who directed us to this statement:

“Today is a victory for life and for those who have fought for decades to protect the unborn. For almost fifty years the decision of nine unelected Justices have prevented a democratically derived consensus on the profound moral issue of abortion to be formed. This decision will now allow that democratic process to unfold in each state to determine at what point does society have the responsibility to protect life. Hopefully, the debate will be conducted with sincerity, compassion, and respect for the broad range of views that people hold.”

We also reached out to Tom Nelson and Mandela Barnes. We were not able to complete an interview with either candidate by deadline.

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