Canine distemper has killed 300+ raccoons in Milwaukee County this year -- here's what to look out for

NOW: Canine distemper has killed 300+ raccoons in Milwaukee County this year -- here’s what to look out for

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Wisconsin Humane Society is warning the community to stay alert after an alarming uptick in the number of raccoons sickened by canine distemper.

Normally, each year there are about 100 suspected cases.

However, since February, that number has more than tripled.

“Around 350 suspected cases with just raccoons, however we’re averaging around 200 calls a month from the public with their concerns," said Brittni Kaplanek, the director of wildlife rehabilitation. “There are some days where we might get zero raccoons in, but there are other days when we are getting up to five or six raccoons a day.”

Kaplanek said it's normal for the disease to come in cycles, meaning every few years in the winter and fall seasons there are flare-ups. 

"This is the worst I've seen in the past eight years or so," Kaplanek said. 

If you see a raccoon out on the street, officials said to watch out if it's lying down or wandering aimlessly and unaware of its surroundings.

“By the time raccoons come to us, they are actively seizing, they could have nasal discharge, green eyes, discharge from the eyes, so the symptoms, there’s a huge variety of them -- but those are just a few of what we commonly see," Kaplanek said.

Because the disease is fatal, sick raccoons are humanely euthanized. While humans cannot contract it, dogs can, so officials added that making sure pets are vaccinated is key.

To get help for a sick raccoon, call the society's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center at 414-431-6204 and specialists will assist from there. 
