Catching up with former Gov. Scott Walker, a year after Evers elected

NOW: Catching up with former Gov. Scott Walker, a year after Evers elected

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- It's now been just more than a year since Gov. Tony Evers ended Scott Walker's tenure as governor at eight years. CBS 58 sat down one-on-one with the former governor and presidential candidate to see how he's moved on from holding public office.

Former Gov. Walker has not left the spotlight; from his consistent media appearances, or making headlines with Twitter fights against Democrats in Congress. One thing has certainly changed: his lifestyle. 

Walker has spent much of the past decade as a polarizing national lightning rod. Whether it was busting unions in Wisconsin, or running for president. 

Now, things are little different. He works a few days out of the week at his son's office building in downtown Milwaukee. 

“People, particularly the first few months would kind of say to me, you know, where is your detail," Walker  said. "They think secret service, like with the president that when you retire, you know, no it’s the day you’re done you’re done.”

Some things are the same, he transported a piece of furniture to hold his gigantic button collection from the State Capitol. 

"They made it for me at the Capitol. To keep it, I had to pay for it myself personally. So I bought it with my own money," Walker said. 

Walker has not left the public eye entirely. He fills in on radio shows in Milwaukee, makes regular contributions to network television, and started a podcast. 

Walker has also not left the political world. He's used his several platforms recently as an opportunity to defend President Donald Trump, who's currently engaged in an impeachment inquiry over his communication with Ukraine. 

CBS 58's Brendan Cullerton: “Holding up federal aid. Holding up military aid in an area we want military aid. Is it concerning at all?”

Scott Walker: “You’ve got the president of the United States currently saying I want you to look into this. But he’s not saying hey can you help my campaign out. That’s the implication that some are trying to make, but that’s not what he said in any of the transcript."

Walker says things have only partially changed since entering the private sector. He's free to go to events with his family, but he's still not just a regular guy. 

"When I'm at Summerfest, or the fair, I usually wear a hat and sunglasses. That still doesn't stop everything. And the funny part is, it’s not to stop bad things from happening. My wife notes, it’s actually more of a hassle for her with people who like me," Walker said. 

One of the things he misses most about his time as governor is traveling all over the State of Wisconsin. Now, he travels all over the country for his work with the Reagan Ranch -- Young Americas Foundation -- and his speaking engagements. 

“This coming week it’s Oregon, New York State, Texas. Just recently was in Seattle and Georgia," Walker said. 

Walker says the airport is usually where he bumps into his old friends, like former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. 

"Once, people get a real kick out of this, it was no only Ron Johnson and me, Rebecca, but Gwen Moore -- who I used to serve with in the legislature -- even though her and my politics are different. Her and I co-chaired a committee together years ago," said Walker. 

Walker says there are a few things he's really enjoyed since leaving office, like doing his own grocery shopping and driving himself. 

"I like to drive, so that was kind of fun," said Walker. "We had actually given our car away to a charity. Team challenge. So we had to go get a car. We drive in it now, and it’s kind of neat to see all of the bells and whistles on it.”

One thing he says most people don't realize, Walker couldn't have serious conversations with his wife, Tonette, when security was around. 

“I remember once, we were having a pretty intense discussion about something, and we had to go because we were late going somewhere in the truck, and instead we just texted each other back and forth to finish the conversation. Really not the best way to do that," said Walker. 

Walker did not rule out running for either governor or president of the United States again at some point. He said he won't put a deadline on that decision and that time will tell. 
