Dancing Granny peg dolls raise money for Waukesha Parade Memorial

NOW: Dancing Granny peg dolls raise money for Waukesha Parade Memorial

WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Three years since Darrell Brooks drive an SUV through the Waukesha Christmas Parade and killed six people, members of the community are continuing to come together to remember those who died. Four of the six people who died were affiliated with the iconic group, the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies. 

Kaye Panyk joined the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies after the Waukesha Christmas Parade in 2021. She said she didn't know the people who died, but she always wanted to be in the troupe. 

“I wanted to be a dancing granny for 20 years," Panyk said. "I saw them on TV and I said, 'That’s what I want to do when I retire.'”

While making a costume and having extra pieces of fabric of the iconic blue dresses the Dancing Grannies wear, Panyk came to the decision that the scraps simply couldn't be thrown away. She decided to make small peg dolls that resemble the group's iconic blue dresses and furry hats. 

After giving the peg dolls to other members of the group, Panyk decided the Dancing Grannies should sell the dolls and raise funds for the Waukesha Parade Memorial, which opened to the public on Thursday, Nov. 21. 

The peg dolls for sale at $5 each at Burlap & Lace Marketplace on Waukesha, owned by Tami Evanoff. 

“They asked if I would sell them at the store, and I said, 'Absolutely.' I'm friends with a few of the grannies," Evanoff said. 

Customers can either pay for them with a donation in the jar at the Waukesha Strong display or pay at the checkout counter.

Both women attended the unveiling of the memorial and said they hope the peg dolls help people remember the victims. 

“Always remember November 21," Evanoff said as she held onto a miniature grannie in her hand. "There’s going to be a lot of emotions. Thankful. Grateful. Heartbroken."

“We certainly think of everyone who lost their lives that day and it’s just nice that they have this beautiful memorial dedicated to them," Panyk said.

The victims of the parade attack affiliated with the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies include Virginia Sorenson, Lee Owen, Tamara Durand and Wilhelm Hospel.
