Democrats, Republicans share reactions as Biden nears clinching presidency

NOW: Democrats, Republicans share reactions as Biden nears clinching presidency

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) – Republicans continue to try to cast doubt over the election without providing any evidence or proof, while Democrats say it’s time for the country to move forward.

“No matter who wins, the other half of Americans is not going to view this as a legitimate election,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R – Wisconsin) said on the Steve Scaffidi Show on WTMJ radio. “I’m not alleging anything because I have no proof all I’m saying is that there’s enough irregularities.”

Johnson placed blame on Democrats for what he says is uncertainty over the election process but didn’t place any blame on President Donald Trump who has for months consistently casted doubt over the election without any proof.

“Those are completely unfounded claims, it’s designed to cause chaos and we know this process was fair,” State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski (D – Wisconsin) told CBS 58 in an interview. Godlewski and other Democrats say Wisconsinites should have confidence in their state’s election system.

“Wisconsinites came out, they voted and they knew their vote was going to matter because the road to the white house goes through Wisconsin,” Godlewski said.

While a potential formal request for a recount cannot come until the municipal and county canvassing is done, experts say if Biden’s Electoral College lead is within ten, a recount is worth a shot for the Trump campaign, even though it is nearly impossible for Biden’s current lead of more than 20,000 votes to diminish enough for a recount to have a chance.

“It’s absolutely understandable that President Trump and the Republicans would want a recount that if Wisconsin put Biden over the top, then it is truly the most important 10 electoral votes,” Mordecai Lee, Professor emeritus at UW-Milwaukee said in an interview. “I’m guessing based on the trends, Joe Biden will have a margin above 280 […] and then at that point it’s sort of a ‘what’s the point?’”

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