Eldorado Community Fighting Placement of Sexually Violent Person, Again

On December 5, Fond du Lac County Sheriff Mick Fink will hold an informational meeting in regards to a Washington County Court order placing a Sexually Violent Person “SVP”, Terry Olson, in the Town of Eldorado.

In a press release Sheriff Mick Fink said he will support the Department of Health Services when an offender is from Fond du Lac County, but takes issue when offenders are placed there from other counties.

The meeting will take place at the Eldorado Community Center located at N7664 County Road C at 6:00 PM Monday night.

About a year ago in December 2015, the community of Eldorado fought a similar sex offender placement and won.

RELATED: Sex Offender to be Released Elsewhere After Eldorado Community Opposes Placement

According to the Sheriff, in this case the Department of Health Services as well as the Attorney General’s Office petitioned Judge Andrew T. Gonring in Washington County Circuit Branch #4 to have the placement no later than December 11, without any input from the Township of Eldorado. The placement was ordered on November 11.

Town of Eldorado Attorney Matt Parmentier has filed a “Motion for Reconsideration” and Judge Gonring has agreed to hear it on December 8, at 2:15 PM. But, the Sheriff was notified on December 1 that the sex offender would be placed on Nitschke Road on December 8 before the judge can hear the town's complaints.

Eldorado's attorney filed a Temporary Restraining Order with Judge Gonring requesting Department of Health Services to not place Olson prior to the hearing.

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