Expect to see more coyotes across Wisconsin: DNR shares facts about coyote mating season

NOW: Expect to see more coyotes across Wisconsin: DNR shares facts about coyote mating season

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Just in time for Valentine's Day, both male and female coyotes are out and about, looking for love.

Wendy Zelensky

This coyote was spotted last week near Cudahy Middle School.

Coyote mating season in Wisconsin is typically January through March, and experts warn coyotes can be more aggressive during that time.

Small pets and animals are more at risk during coyote mating season.

Shawn Rossler, a furbearer biologist with the Wisconsin DNR, said sightings are common this time of year.

"Coyotes are territorial animals, so during the breeding season, they can be a little bit more active," Rossler said.

Coyotes are very prevalent across Wisconsin. Rossler says their population is stable and likely increasing.

"They do well in urban and rural areas. They're found in every county of the state," Rossler said.

The DNR has three main tips to coexist with coyotes.

  • Don't feed coyotes, directly or indirectly. "If there's pet food outside, or bird feeders, anytime there's a draw like that, that could draw in smaller animals that coyotes eat," Rossler said.
  • Be vigilant with your pets. "Don't let them run loose this time of year. If they're going to be outside, be outside with them," Rossler said.
  • If they're on your property, make them feel unwelcome. "That could be yelling, maybe throwing something in the direction of the animal just to encourage them to move on," Rossler said.

If you're ever uncomfortable, call your local animal control.

Overall, the DNR says it's important to respect wildlife.

"Just because you see a coyote doesn't mean it's an issue or a problem," Rossler said. "Generally, they're more afraid of people than we are of them."

Coyote pups are typically born between March and May. that's when you might see their parents out hunting.

Those pups usually venture out on their own in late summer or early fall.
