Hales Corners McDonald's hosts fundraiser in honor of baby born in parking lot

NOW: Hales Corners McDonald’s hosts fundraiser in honor of baby born in parking lot

HALES CORNERS, Wis. (CBS 58) --A Hales Corners McDonald's is having a McFlurry fundraiser that benefits the Ronald McDonald House. The idea came after a baby was born in the parking lot in January. 

The sights and sounds of the golden arches are no stranger to people. Analysia Beck knows this Hales Corners McDonald’s for a different reason.

"It was crazy, it was just pure chaos. I was screaming pretty much the whole time. I kind of thought we were going to be on our own, so the whole situation was terrifying," said Beck.

In January, Beck and her husband Daniel were headed to a hospital at two in the morning, but their son couldn't wait.

"Daniel decided we had to pull over and someone had to call 9-1-1. So, we pulled over into McDonald's. He decided to come that night in the McDonald’s parking lot," said Beck.

In that parking lot, Micah Daniel Beck – also known as McFlurry -- was born. 

"Micah’s nickname is McFlurry since he was born in the snowstorm," said Stephanie Holladay, an operations consultant for McDonald’s.

To celebrate Micah’s one month birthday – the Hales Corners McDonald’s decided to host a fundraiser the weekend of Feb. 9th to Feb. 11th. 

"All the McFlurry proceeds we sell this weekend are being donated to the Eastern Wisconsin Ronald McDonald house charities," said Holladay. 

McDonald's will match up to $500 of money raised. Beck says Micah’s story has become bigger than she ever imagined.

"We had never expected anything like this. We knew it was crazy story, but we didn’t think it was going to break headlines or anything like that. The fact that a fundraiser is being held in his honor – it’s amazing. It’s more than we could ever ask for," said Beck. 

It’s one Beck says Micah will never live down.
