'It’s huge': Travel industry hopes for boost as vaccinated Americans will be allowed to travel to EU

’It’s huge’: Travel industry hopes for boost as vaccinated Americans will be allowed to travel to EU

BAYSIDE, Wis. (CBS 58) – Vaccinated Americans will be allowed to travel to the European Union this summer, according to a report by the New York Times.

The announcement is good news for an industry hit hard by the pandemic. Travel agencies are now hoping for a boost of business.

“We are just ecstatic that this came out sooner than we expected,” Bayside Travel President and Owner Jeanne Reuter said. “It’s huge not only for my agency, but for our industry.”

According to the U.S. Travel Association, 2020 saw a 76 percent decline in international travel spending compared to years past.

“It just nosedived,” she said.

Reuter believes travel will really pick up later this year and into the next two years.

“I think once we’re allowed to come back in, I think they will be opening up their restaurants, their museums to get their economies going again,” she said. “So will this summer be crazy busy? I don’t think so. I think maybe more into fall, but in 2022, if you’re thinking of traveling, book it now.”

There’s no word on exactly when the EU will open to vaccinated Americans, but Reuter expects to see prices go up as demand grows.

“We’re seeing a lot of different destinations that people want to take advantage of the rates, that we can give them now even though it’s a year or two years down the road,” she said. “If you see something and you’re okay with that price, go with it now.”

She also said she believes other countries will begin to follow suit and open after the EU.
