Lakefront Brewery betting Los Angeles-area brewery over outcome of Brewers/Dodgers game

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Lakefront Brewery is challenging Eagle Rock in Los Angeles to a Brewers/Dodgers bet.

"When our Milwaukee Brewers win the NLCS, Eagle Rock will donate some cash to Wisconsin Humane Society and will ship Lakefront Brewery 2 cases of their beer and something special to enjoy from LA. Lakefront Brewery’s staff will take pictures while drinking Eagle Rock beer and enjoying “something special from LA."," Lakefront Brewery said in a Facebook post.

If the Dodgers win, Lakefront Brewery will donate money to a charity of Eagle Rock's choice and ship Eagle Rock 2 cases of beer and some Wisconsin favorites such as cheese and sausage. Eagle Rock’s staff will take pictures while drinking Lakefront Brewery beer and cheese/sausage.

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